Thursday, November 19, 2015

It Started w/ Alice Smith and CeeLo Green

 HER PERSPECTIVE: The idea for this blog stems from a text and video link I sent the boy about my love and obsession with r&b/soul artist Alice Smith and how he subsequently shitted all over it.

Below is a text exchange of the shit show that ensued...

HIS PERSPECTIVE: Strictly following the text messages, the girl will have you thinking that I'm some sort of bloviating mad man that can't wait to pop off with my own opinions about shit. I guess that's not far from the truth in this case but, my heart was in the right place. The day before, I saw CeeLo's rendition of the same song and was blown away. There was no way I'd let her show me Alice Smith's tattered ass, watered down version of the song that CeeLo so brilliantly introduced me to the day before, without snapping back. To be frank, I simply thought I'd hip her to a better version and foolishly thought she'd be better off once she took it in. It didn't go well.

HER PERSPECTIVE: I cannot believe you just wrote, "Alice Smith's tattered ass, watered down version of the song." You continue to shit on my shit. Screw You.

HIS PERSPECTIVE: To be honest, while I absolutely love CeeLo's version of Fool For You, I came to be equally fond of Alice Smith's version. The fluffed up theatrical version that CeeLo presents is nothing short of a quick trip to the circus, it leaves you in jaw dropping awe as you wait for one of the tassels on his shirt sleeve to wrap around his fucking throat and end the show mid note. To say over the top is putting it mildly, but it works for me. I guess it's just the drama in me. When I look at Alice Smith's Fool For You, she's equally impressive for the exact opposite reason. To me, hers is a stripped down, more vulnerable version of the song. As I watched with newly unbiased eyes, thanks to the girl, what I see is an artist who is as confident as she is willing to be foolish for love... Incredible. If you ask me whose version I prefer, I'd be force to tell you that it depends on my mood; if it's raining out and I want to be pensive or feel empowered I'm probably rolling with Alice Smith. Now if I'm ready to rock out with my !#@$ out, I'm going with CeeLo, but that's just me.

To watch "Her" version of the Alice Smith performance click on the following link - Fool For You

To watch "His" version of the CeeLo Green performance click on the following link - Fool For You 

1 comment:

  1. " leaves you in jaw dropping awe as you wait for one of the tassels on his shirt sleeve to wrap around his fucking throat and end the show mid note. THAT'S A FUNNY A$$ VISUAL!!
