Episode Synopsis: As episode three ends and four begins Brendan's story starts to change and change again. Steven maintains his innocence and a family is torn apart.
Key Players in Ep 4:
Brendan Dassy: Steven's Nephew - The accused
Len Kachinsky - Brendan's Lawyer (public defender)
Michael O'Kelly - Len's Investigator
Jodi Stachowski: Steven Avery's Girlfriend
Kenneth Petersen: Sheriff/Blowhard
When Kachinsky first opened his mouth to the media I was amazed at his recklessness or maybe it was his brilliance? A reporter asked if there was an adult present when Brendan was interviewed by the sheriff's department as he confessed. "It's quite common for persons to be interrogated or questioned outside of the presence of their parents... In this case especially with his mother being Steve Avery's sister. They may not have wanted to have her there." - Len Kachinsky. Wakaflaka what? I can only assume that the line was drawn in order to save Brendan. But at the cost to a man that has already been falsely convicted once before? This dude reminded me of the Great Gazoo in looks.
It was amazing how Steve's words were twisted and turned against him as he spoke to the reporter. I'm hoping that he just stops talking to folks and hoping that he'll be treated fairly. He's had his moment in the sun and let them all down as far as they are concerned.
"Start by telling me what you think of your nephew's confession." - A.P. reporter.
"He was coerced to say it. I know he was, cause there ain't no evidence to back it up. They took everything out of the trailer, they ain't gonna find nothing." - Steve Avery.
"So do you place any blame on your nephew for making those statements?" - A.P. reporter.
"With the detectives it don't take much for them, you know...to coerce him to say that stuff." - Steve
"Would you describe him as smart?" A.P. reporter.
"Uhmm, not really." Steve.
The associated press ran wild with that shit. If you provide these quotes without context of course you can make it appear as a coded warning and even a threat. Listening to the actual tape gives you all that you need to see that Steve is simply answering the questions that were asked by the reporter. You do have to keep in mind that this guy isn't some diabolical mastermind, his IQ is 70 after all. Talk about having to prove one's innocence, I thought it was innocent until proven guilty.
If the Great Gazoo smiles inappropriately one more time I'm going to scream out loud. Wait, he just did that shit again. (Stops typing to scream.) When Len decides it's a good idea to bring in the thought police, Mr. O'Kelly, I felt like Brendan was being victimized all over again. These dudes already know how to get to him; by suggestion and coercion. It's been done before and they've seen the tape. Intimidate and threaten him and he will say whatever he can to get himself out of the damn room or at least get back in your good graces. This dude is controlling AF and mean spirited in his tactics. As I listen to Brendan talk to his mother, he's sounds fairly convinced that he's a part of the murder of Ms. Halbach. Of course this is after he's just finished up with O'Kelly. Go figure... This kid is all over the place, each time he sounds more pathetic, perhaps even pitiable. Listening to him and his mother talking is liking watching season 2 of Fargo.
Jodi is ride or die for her man, placing together timelines and offering profiles on his mood during the time in which the crime were to have occurred. At some point I knew the Po-po would run her off, after all she's an ex-con and there's only so much she could take. Once she gets the no contact order it's a done deal. That being said, they've now run off the one person outside of his family members, that gave Steve something to fight for.
"They're free to say what the want, fact is they have to prove it and I don't think they could." - Petersen.
"You say, he'll kill again." - A.P. reporter.
"I think that's his personality." - Petersen.
"If we wanted to eliminate Steve it would have been a whole lot easier to eliminate Steve than to frame Steve. Hell." - Petersen.
"What do you mean by eliminate?" - A.P. reporter.
"If we wanted him out of the picture, like in prison or if we wanted him, ahh, killed. You know it would have been much easier just to kill him." - Petersen.
Dayum Wyatt Earp. Did you just allude to the fact that you, as the almighty sheriff can frame or kill a man with impunity? And he said that shit on tv, live and direct. * I already know what a lot of my friends are thinking, but I digress. This is the wild, wild Midwest. Even Steve's lawyer had to laugh in frustration and amazement. This dude even said under oath, that he had doubts about Mr. Avery's innocence in the rape that he was falsely imprisoned over. Talk about bias, this guy doesn't even believe a court ruling. Truly a God complex. These mofos that run the sheriff's department are off the chainz.
The Great Kazoo has smiled his last inappropriate smile in this case as he's dismissed from Brendan's defense. It seems that the judge thought that having Brendan meet with O'Kelly was a bad idea after all. Keep on walking I ain't talking to you anymore.
Wait, what? Sheriff Petersen was the arresting officer in Steve's case in 1985 and now he runs the department? I'm sure he'll be fair and impartial? Not a fucking chance. It seems the years have made him more bitter than the man that spent 18 years behind bars off some shit he didn't do. Talk about a misguided sense of duty. Ohhhh now we have DNA that was collected from Avery and Lenk is the one that collected it. Let me sit down for this. A sealed box of Steve's DNA where the seal has been broken and re-taped with scotch tape. Now we find a small needle hole in the vial where a sample of his blood was kept??? These folks aren't even good at hiding their ineptitude. This is getting better and better as we go along. At this point I'm thinking; surely I can skip to episode 10 to find out that Steve is free and all of these saboteurs are in their rightful places.
Next up: Ep 5 Vile (vial) Discovery
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