Quick Episode Synopsis: In the season three, episode 10 finale, Mary Jane decides to go out with "white boys can't jump" and is subsequently "outed" prompting a new subject for TalkBack on interracial dating. MJ deals with both Cece and the scarfed one in the most appropriate ways. Kara's in hot water at work and MJ's niece is going viral in the worst way.
HIS PERSPECTIVE: The funniest scene to me in this entire series was the awkward karaoke rendition of Rapper's Delight between MJ and her new beau. The dynamics were subtly screaming at the top of their lungs; from Mary Jane's stiff and disinterested performance on stage, as the camera panned showing the fact that while the club was mixed racially there were clearly whites seated by whites and blacks seated by blacks and finally the black couple at the bar, that may or may not have thrown shade at MJ and WB for the hug seen round the club. The complexities of the shit that goes through your mind when you are focused on others was brilliantly relayed in that scene. Here's my take: I've seen MJ bust a move a time or two on this show, so I know she can shake that money maker with the best of them, and the fact that she was stiff showed how in her head she was about even being out with ole boy. Panning through the crowd to see the private jokes and whispers and/or acceptance between the color-lines (white women and black couple) was a perfect touch to help grasp the psyche of feeling put on stage. And finally the black couple at the bar, who knows what the hell they were talking about, but we could clearly see that MJ thought they were throwing shade her way for being with Biff. I've gone out before and felt everything in this scene and the funny thing is, while I'm sure that I imagined most of that shit up on my own, the looks that I saw as I strolled downtown with Becky were interpreted by me as follows; deep hate from every sister that gazed upon my blackness and her whiteness, insecurity and disappointment from every white guy that looked our way, awe from most brothers that passed and camaraderie from other mixed couples. Like in the show, I saw everything and she saw nothing.
Quick funny story: While I was out with a friend one day I ran into Kevin, a brother that I know from the Nation of Islam. The woman I was with is nordic as fuck; tall, slim build, curvy as hell, blue eyes and pale skin, Sydney is absolutely beautiful from the inside out. We roll up to a popular weekend spot holding hands and walking my Boxer. As I see Kevin, I speak and introduce him to Sydney.
"What's up Black man?" He says.
"Not much Kev, just out for a stroll with my friend Syd." I reply.
"Hello Kevin, that's your name correct?" Syd asks.
"Yes." "Yo my man, you know the Minister is having an event tonight, right?" Kevin directs the yes to her and the rest to me.
"I had no idea." I said awkwardly as I look down at my cardigan sweater draped over my shoulders, rolled up dockers, boat shoes and Starbuck's container complete with lid. (Could I have been less urban? LMAO)
"Yeah man, be sure to bring your queen with you brotha!" He says as he looks my punk ass up and down.
Man I swear I laughed out loud at Kev and had to explain to Syd word for word, just to make her understand what had just happened. To this day, I don't think she'd be able to get it. She hadn't walked in my shoes so it's understandable.
HER PERSPECTIVE: After kicking it with the boy about the black couple at the karaoke bar, I went back and watched that scene again. Because I, like many others, automatically assumed (based on MJ's reaction) they were giving her dirty looks because of who she was with. I watched it three times and the boy was right, the couple could've been talking about something completely unrelated: Old boy whispers in his girl's ear, she shakes her head and they both look in MJ's direction (or so we assume). MJ happens to see that exchange and concludes it's about her. By default, it's easy to think that the couple was throwing MJ shade. Or not. Either way, it's a vicious cycle. I don't know what's worse - MJ in her head about what the couple thought or the couple passing judgement. At what point are we going to stop giving two shits about interracial dating? It's 2015 for fuchs sake!
I've dated outside of my race a few times and I can't say that I've ever noticed stares or shade or any sort of blatant judgement. What's interesting is that when I see interracial couples I often wonder whether they are in their in heads about what other people think.
HIS PERSPECTIVE: Just as I thought WBCJ got his walking papers, but I took no joy in his dismissal, for once I want MJ to use her powers for good, not just self preservation. I get that Biff, generalized and was a bit rude in doing so, but the fact that MJ was so dismissive with him was so typical of her character or lack there of. How does one just decide to go in another direction, without the courtesy of a conversation with their significant other? I get it, you decide what's right for you and just move the fuck on, forget the person that's left there, still in full bloom waiting for more of your water. It's just crazy to me, but that's life for some. Being able to accept the fact that someone is ready to move on is essential, but it hurts more when there are things left unsaid and left on the table. If you read the last part of my opening statement then you should understand that I get what MJ did. After all, who has time to explain every little detail of your shit to someone else? I can't help but to think that some things are ultimately worth the effort if you are brave enough to see them through. Fuck adding another number to your crazy, just see some shit through for self actualization. Too many people head for the fucking hills at the sight of something that seems unfamiliar, too familiar or just plain scary. The only thing we really fear is fear itself.
knew it was a wrap for WBCJ when MJ admitted to Kara that the sex was
just "ok." If that isn't the kiss of death, I don't know what it is! I
am a little disappointed that the envelope wasn't pushed further with MJ
and WB's relationship. Instead, it was the norm and not the exception. I
can understand if the chemistry, attraction or the inability to commit
was the issue behind serving ole' boy his walking papers...but damn.."I can't be with you because I prefer black men/love"
was cold as ice considering MJ was "with him" until it became an
inconvenience. On the flip side, this was her first "white boy"
experience and the takeaway was that she wasn't into it. I respect that.
I just wish she could've handled it more tactfully. I've been on both sides of this electric fence and what I've learned is this: feelings are fickle as shit and they change (sometimes without reason), you see a red flag, someone brighter and better comes along, or the relationship runs its course. All equaling up to - shit happens & such is life. Don't get me wrong, this is not a justification rather an observation based on my own experiences. It's up to the person left blooming to recognize the signs and keep it pushin'. It's also up to the dismisser to have a conversation, and at the very least have the courtesy to explain his/her issue. Choice and Respect. But this comes with maturity. I fully subscribed to running for the hills (at any sign of some shit I wasn't ready/down for) as if starving wolves were on my ass. But I like to believe I've matured a little over the years and instead of running without explanation, I reluctantly have the friendly convo while jogging away lightly. LOL.
HIS PERSPECTIVE: To say that I knew that Kara was headed for this fall is a gross understatement. What I struggle with is whether I feel bad for her. Look, the one thing I hate is someone going too far in their hazing of underlings, particularly when they are of the same ilk as you. "I had it bad so I got to make it worse for the next me.", is an old school train of thought that would be best served disappeared forever. As soon as she accused Marisol of sleeping her way to the chair, I knew it would come back to bite her in that culo. I was however, pleased that Marisol reeled her in and turned the tables back on Kara, she's been a MJ and Kara's whipping post since Mary Jane's return. Perhaps next season Kara will see the error in her ways and get it together. The story line does push Kara right back to MJ, but is that what she really wants? Wait, what??? Did Mary Jane give Kara bad advice intentionally to force the reunion? Now that Kara and Marisol can't be in the same space literally it's more than likely the case. Both The girl's thoughts and the story line Beautifully Flawed makes me wonder out loud.
HER PERSPECTIVE: Karma is a bee-yotch! I wasn't too wild about how Kara came at Marisol. It revealed an ugly truth: Kara was threatened by a younger and possibly better version of herself. Jealousy will make a mofo do some ugly things. I thought it was rather telling that Kara had difficulty humbling herself to apologize even when the shit had hit the proverbial fan. I guess we can't all be perfect. I'm glad that Marisol played her hand and played it rather well. What would be gangsta is if down the line, it comes out that Marisol did indeed sleep with her boss.
HIS PERSPECTIVE: Cece finally got her just dessert by being beautifully set up by Mary Jane. I think that MJ got all of the good that she was going to get from that lemon and it was time to throw her away. There are people that come into your life, under nefarious circumstances that leave auspicious results in your life and it's up to each of us to know when it's time to cut bait and do what is right for our souls. I was happy that Cece was caught in her own game and happier still that she tipped her cap (had it tipped for her, as she was cuffed) in acknowledgment of Mary Jane outmaneuvering her. I guess game recognizes game after all.
HER PERSPECTIVE: What an awesome ending! The ultimate setup. I knew something was rotten in the state of Denmark when MJ asked Cece to help with a "new book deal." MJ was way too cool and calm in that scene. The optimistic side of me thought they were turning over a new leaf (even though in a previous post I wrote that their friendship was going to end badly) but alas, my foreshadowing proved to be correct.
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